full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Anindya Kundu: The "opportunity gap" in US public education -- and how to close it

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So today I don't nielsacesry have the same questions about education that I did when I was an idealistic, perhaps naïve college grad wkonrig in a detention center basement. It's not: Can slchoos save more of our students? Because I think we have the answer to that — and it's yes they can, if we save our schools first. We can start by caring about the eduocatin of other people's children ... And I'm saying that as someone who doesn't have kids yet but wants to worry a little bit less about the future when I do.

Open Cloze

So today I don't ___________ have the same questions about education that I did when I was an idealistic, perhaps naïve college grad _______ in a detention center basement. It's not: Can _______ save more of our students? Because I think we have the answer to that — and it's yes they can, if we save our schools first. We can start by caring about the _________ of other people's children ... And I'm saying that as someone who doesn't have kids yet but wants to worry a little bit less about the future when I do.


  1. education
  2. schools
  3. necessarily
  4. working

Original Text

So today I don't necessarily have the same questions about education that I did when I was an idealistic, perhaps naïve college grad working in a detention center basement. It's not: Can schools save more of our students? Because I think we have the answer to that — and it's yes they can, if we save our schools first. We can start by caring about the education of other people's children ... And I'm saying that as someone who doesn't have kids yet but wants to worry a little bit less about the future when I do.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
health care 2
billion dollars 2
school students 2
simpler reason 2
public education 2

Important Words

  1. answer
  2. basement
  3. bit
  4. caring
  5. center
  6. children
  7. college
  8. detention
  9. education
  10. future
  11. grad
  12. idealistic
  13. kids
  14. naïve
  15. necessarily
  16. questions
  17. save
  18. schools
  19. start
  20. students
  21. today
  22. working
  23. worry